We’ve updated our Privacy Policy to provide more details on our uses of your information, updated our disclosures in line with various U.S. state privacy laws and outlined your rights in relation to your information.

Chelsea Johnson, MD, FAAP

Chelsea Johnson, MD is the Associate Lead of Pediatrics at K Health. Dr. Johnson has a degree in Human Biology from Chadron State College and an MD from University of Nebraska Medical Center. She completed medical training at Children's Mercy Hospital, one of America's best children's hospitals by U.S. News and World Report, ranking in all 10 pediatric specialties. Dr. Johnson is a seasoned pediatric medical executive with 20 years' clinical experience in pediatric emergency and urgent care academic medicine. She is dedicated to innovative care delivery and leveraging the power of digital health to improve healthcare and patient lives. Originally from Nebraska, Chelsea now lives just outside of Kansas City, MO with physician hubby, 3 kids at home, and 2 already launched. Her favorite activities include cheering on kids' activities, advocating for dyslexia awareness, and previously enjoyed adventure traveling with her family before 2020!
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