I joined K Health to meet my patients where they are, on their time, fostering a more productive healthcare environment for us all.
Robynn Lowe

Fast facts
Board Certifications
Undergraduate Degree
Undergraduate School
Florida Atlantic University
Medical Degree
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Does Nicotine Cancel Out Birth Control?
While many use birth control as a safe and effective tool to help prevent pregnancy,...
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is probably a term you’ve heard more frequently recently. While it has been serving...
How Long Does it Take for Birth Control to Work?
If you are thinking of starting birth control or switching to a different method of...
How Much Does Birth Control Cost in 2022?
The cost of birth control depends on two main factors–the type of birth control you...
How Birth Control Impacts Your Mood
Hormonal birth control does more than prevent pregnancy. People on hormonal birth control often experience...
Can Birth Control Treat Acne?
Severe, persistent acne can make you feel frustrated and ashamed, but it is important to...
Can Boric Acid Treat Bacterial Vaginosis?
Under normal circumstances, vaginal flora contains good bacteria that defend against invasive microbes, bad bacteria,...
Yeast Infection Home Remedies: 13 Best Options
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Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis: What Are Your Options?
BV is a common condition that often leads to abnormal vaginal discharge and a foul...