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Amichai Perlman, PhD, PharmD
Tel Aviv, Israeli
Working in a hospital, I saw how crucial it is for people to understand and proactively manage their health—K's vision to provide individuals with personalized medical information and bring accessible care to all is a future I want to help build.
Amichai Perlman is the Pharma Domain expert at K Health. Dr. Perlman has doctoral degrees in both clinical pharmacy and pharmacoepidemiology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He did his clinical training and worked for several years as a clinical consultant and researcher in the internal medicine department at the Hadassah University Medical Center. Aside from his work at K Health, Dr. Perlman continues to give visiting lectures at the university, and collaborates on the design and analysis of medical research, most often focusing on medication safety. When not hard at work, Amichai is busy negotiating cleanup and screen time with his four children, or watching Star Trek after they’re all fast asleep.
Education + Awards
Undergraduate Degree
Undergraduate School
The Hebrew University
Medical Degree
Medical School
The Hebrew University
Other Degrees / Training
Ph.D., Pharmacoepidemiology
More posts from Amichai Perlman, PhD, PharmD
Frequently asked questions
Does Amichai Perlman, PharmD offer telehealth services?
What are Amichai Perlman, PharmD’s areas of care?
Clinicians are licensed in family medicine, emergency medicine, pediatric care, and more. Get to know your world-class medical team here.
Does Amichai Perlman, PharmD accept insurance?
Insurance is not required for any K Health visits. All appointments are $73 flat, or $49/month for an unlimited membership. Get started.