Lump on Eyelid: Chalazion vs. Stye Symptoms and Treatment

By Robynn Lowe
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April 27, 2022

Unwanted lumps and bumps can be irritating wherever they develop on the body.

But they can be especially upsetting when they appear on the eyelid, because of all the ways we rely on our eyes in the course of our daily lives. 

Luckily, most common forms of eyelid lumps rarely threaten your vision or overall health.

And when these lumps don’t clear up on their own, they can be easily treated by a variety of approaches, both at home and in consultation with your healthcare provider. 

In this article, I’ll look at the most common causes of lumps on the eyelid and overview the difference between a chalazion and a stye.

I’ll also discuss the major symptoms and risk factors of each of these.

Then I’ll review the main forms of treatment and prevention, as well as when to see a doctor about lumps on your eyelid. 

Lump on Eyelid Possible Causes

Most of the time, a lump on the inner or outer eyelid indicates a blocked gland.

Eyelid glands work together to keep your eyeballs from becoming too dry or stuck in their sockets.

The glands on the outer part of your eye, near the eyelashes, are called Moll and Zeis glands.

These produce sweat and oils.

The small glands on the inside of your eyelid are called meibomian glands.

These are another type of tiny oil glands.

All of these eyelid glands can become clogged with dirt, debris, dead skin cells, or too-thick oils, or become infected.

When either happens, the surrounding area often begins to swell, and a cyst (a fluid-filled sac) forms.

These cysts typically take one of two forms: a stye or a chalazion. 

More rarely, eyelids may develop benign, wart-like lumps called eyelid papillomas.

These can be shaved or frozen off.

Rarer still, some people develop cancer in their eyelid glands.

These more dangerous growths—known as sebaceous gland carcinomas—look quite similar to more harmless kinds of eyelid cysts.

When a stye or chalazion keeps returning despite treatment, healthcare providers often perform a biopsy to see if the lump is cancer. 

Chalazion vs Stye

Most eyelid bumps are styes.

A stye, or hordeolum, is a bacterial infection of a clogged eyelid gland that causes a small, painful bump along the eyelash line or inside the eyelid. 

A stye is typically red and may have a white, pus-filled center, much like a pimple.

It may also feel hot to the touch. At its largest, a stye can reach the size of a pea.

More than nine times out of ten, stye infections are caused by staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria that lives naturally on people’s skin.

For this reason, a stye is generally not considered contagious in the way that an eye infection like pink eye (conjunctivitis) is.

On the other hand, a chalazion is a cyst that forms when an oil gland becomes blocked and the area around it begins to swell.

A chalazion is not as tender or painful as a stye and usually occurs farther from the eyelash edge, often in the inner eyelid. 

Chalazia are not caused by bacteria and develop more slowly than styes, often over weeks or months.

Chalazia also grow larger than styes do. 

Sometimes a stye may turn into a chalazion if the infection clears but a bump remains.


Symptoms of a stye can include:

  • A small red bump on the eyelid
  • Constantly feeling like something is in the eye
  • Crusting of the eyelid
  • Pain in the eyelid
  • Watering eyes
  • Scratchy eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Light sensitivity

Chalazia do not always cause symptoms.

When they do, they are milder and can include:

  • Swelling around the bump
  • Slightly blurred vision (if the chalazion is large)

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Risk Factors to Consider

Anyone can develop a chalazion or stye, and once you have one, you are more likely to develop another in the future.

Certain health conditions can make some people more likely to develop styes.

These include: 

  • Rosacea
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff)
  • Blepharitis
  • High blood sugar or diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Weakened immune system
  • Hormonal changes 
  • Chronic stress
  • Sleep deprivation

Certain medical conditions and certain habits also increase the risk for chalazia:

Treatment and Prevention

Most styes and chalazia resolve on their own within 1-2 weeks.

But you can speed up healing by applying warm compresses.

This approach remains the gold standard treatment for styes and chalazia. 

Simply soak a clean washcloth in warm water and wring it out.

Place the cloth over the affected eye for 5-15 minutes. Repeat this process up to five times a day. 

If a lump on your eyelid persists or comes back, see a healthcare provider for treatment, which may entail:

  • Antibiotics: If a stye does not clear up on its own, topical prescription antibiotic ointment may help. And if a stye spreads to the rest of the eyelid (a condition called eyelid cellulitis), your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics. (Antibiotics do not help with chalazia since they are not infections.)
  • Steroids: If a stye or chalazion remains big enough to interfere with your vision, an eye doctor may give you a steroid injection to reduce the swelling. 

After a stye or chalazion clears up, you can reduce your risk of developing future eyelid bumps with some lifestyle practices: 

  • Wash your hands often
  • Wash your face and eyelids every night before bed
  • Remove eye makeup carefully 
  • Replace eye makeup every six months
  • Clean contact lenses with a disinfecting lens solution 
  • Never wear contacts longer than recommended
  • Never share face towels or eye makeup with anyone

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When to See a Medical Provider

Most styes and chalazia do not require medical care.

They should clear up in 1-2 weeks, especially with warm compress treatments.

However, see your healthcare provider or an eye doctor if you experience: 

  • Intense eye pain
  • Vision changes
  • Swelling or redness around your eye socket
  • Worsening symptoms
  • A stye that takes more than two weeks to heal

If you have a stye, seek immediate medical attention if you experience: 

  • Eyelid swelling that makes it difficult to see
  • Visible pus, blood, or fluid leaking from the bump
  • Fever or chills
  • Blisters on your eyelids
  • Hot eyelids
  • Severe pain with eye movement
  • Vision changes
  • High light sensitivity or excessive tears
  • Loss of eyelashes 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a lump on your eyelid mean?
The lump on your eyelid is most likely a stye or chalazion. These form when an eyelid gland becomes blocked and then swells.
How do I get rid of a bump on my eyelid?
Most lumps on the eyelid naturally resolve after 1-2 weeks, though applying warm compresses can speed up the process.
What do eyelid tumors look like?
Eyelid tumors look much like chalazia. These bumps are usually painless but may bleed. Some people also lose eyelashes. See a doctor if you have an eyelid bump that keeps returning.
What does a cyst on eyelid look like?
Cysts can occur on the inner or outer eyelid and range in size from pimple- to pea-sized. They are often filled with oil or pus.
K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Robynn Lowe

Robynn Lowe is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner with over 15 years in the medical field. Robynn received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Florida Atlantic University and has been practicing in rural family medicine since. Robynn is married to her college sweetheart, Raymond and they have three awesome children. When Robynn isn't with patients you can find her shopping, coaching her kids sports teams, or spending time on the water.