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Gila Lyons

Gila Lyons' writing about health and social justice has appeared in The New York TimesOprah MagazineViceCosmopolitanSalonHealth Magazine, The Huffington PostVoxHealthline, Refinery29, GOOD Magazine, Bitch Magazine, BUST Magazine, The Rumpus, The Millions, The Morning News, Ploughshares, Brevity, Tablet, Fusion, Poets & Writers, and other publications. Her pieces have been anthologized in books and collections, most recently in ABOUT US: Essays from the Disability Series of the New York Times, (W. W. Norton, 2019). She holds an MFA in literary nonfiction from Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Science in Holistic Health from Prescott College. Gila is at work on a memoir about the true causes and cures of anxiety and panic disorder. She served as one of three “Alices” at Go Ask Alice! Columbia University’s award-winning health and sexuality website. She teaches college writing and literature, and works as a freelance writer, a writing coach and editor, and an anxiety coach and connector to resources. Connect with her on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn and at her website, www.gilalyons.com.

"I joined K to help connect people to excellent, reliable, fact-checked care for both those frantic midnight symptom searches and for the calmer desire to understand their bodies and health more."

Fast facts


Anxiety disorder Panic disorder Mental health Women’s health Disability

Undergraduate Education

Bachelor of Science in Holistic Health, Prescott College

Graduate Education

MFA in nonfiction writing, Columbia University

Other Degrees / Training

Holistic Health Counselor, Integrative Institute of Nutrition
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