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Terez Malka, MD

Dr. Sarah Terez Malka is an emergency medicine physician and pediatrician. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland and received her medical degree from the Ben Gurion Medical School for International Health. She completed emergency medicine and pediatrics residencies at University of Indiana School of Medicine, and a fellowship in wilderness medicine at Harvard Medical School, where she was an assistant professor of emergency medicine and pediatric emergency medicine.

"I am passionate about providing medical care as comfortably and compassionately as possible. I'm excited to use modern technology to expand access to quality health care."

Doctor Terez Malka image

Fast facts


Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics

Board Certifications

Emergency Medicine (ABEM), Pediatrics

Undergraduate Education

University of Maryland College Park

Medical Education

Ben Gurion Medical School for International Health

Other Degrees / Training

Harvard Medical School, University of Indiana
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