"I am passionate about providing medical care as comfortably and compassionately as possible. I'm excited to use modern technology to expand access to quality health care."
Terez Malka, MD

Fast facts
SpecialtyEmergency Medicine, PediatricsBoard CertificationsEmergency Medicine (ABEM), PediatricsUndergraduate EducationUniversity of Maryland College Park |
Medical EducationBen Gurion Medical School for International HealthOther Degrees / TrainingHarvard Medical School, University of Indiana |
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Flu Shot Ingredients: What is in the Flu Vaccine?
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Strep Throat Treatment: Antibiotics and More
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Heartburn at Night: Causes and Treatment
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Medication to Quit Smoking
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What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
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What Is Nicotine Withdrawal?
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How to Quit Smoking
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Food Poisoning Medication: What Are Your Options?
Food poisoning can spoil your memories of a wonderful dinner—and ruin your week. The common...