Katherine McMullan, MD

Katherine McMullan, MD

Clinical Team Leader

Florida, USA

I became disillusioned with the traditional practices of standard outpatient medicine. I could not be more happy, fulfilled, and satisfied with the care that we provide our patients at K Health.


Dr. Katherine McMullan is a family medicine practioner from Jacksonville, Florida. She graduated for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and completed her residency at the Mayo Clinic in Florida. She is a native of Arkansas and enjoys enjoys spending time with her husband, son, and dogs.

Education + Awards

Medical Degree


Medical School

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


Mayo Clinic

Frequently asked questions

Does Katherine McMullan, MD offer telehealth services?

Yes! You can start a chat with a licensed clinician 24/7.

What are Katherine McMullan, MD’s areas of care?

Clinicians are licensed in family medicine, emergency medicine, pediatric care, and more. Get to know your world-class medical team here.

Does Katherine McMullan, MD accept insurance?

Insurance is not required for any K Health visits. All appointments are $73 flat, or $49/month for an unlimited membership. Get started.