Mental & Emotional Benefits of Spring Cleaning

By Whitley Lassen, PsyD
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March 29, 2022

At the start of spring, we often think of spring cleaning as a chore to accomplish, when the weather improves and there’s more daylight, who really wants to spend time inside cleaning.  But could there be emotional and mental benefits to embracing spring cleaning? 

Research supports that people who describe their home as “cluttered” are more likely to be depressed, experience difficulty getting restful sleep, and have a harder time focusing. 

Increases Productivity 

The physical act of cleaning is linked with decreased stress, anxiety, and depression.  But by cleaning and decluttering you are also increasing your productivity.  Depression can lead to a lack of motivation and setting small and achievable goals for productivity can help to decrease depression and increase motivation.  If the idea of spring cleaning is overwhelming, consider breaking it down into small chunks, like 15 minutes per day. 

Helps With Focus 

Clutter can make it harder to focus, so spending time decluttering and organizing your space can help.  Research supports that by decluttering you can free up more brain space for decision making and focus on more important things.  So consider organizing your space. 

Practicing Mindfulness 

Mindfulness is a well-known practice for reducing stress and anxiety.  By approaching cleaning as a mindfulness activity, you can accomplish stress reduction and have a clean space at the same time.  Start by being mindful, focusing your attention on the moment, noticing with your senses (sight, sound, smell, touch), and taking in the experience of cleaning.  For example, if you’re washing the dishes, notice the sounds of the dishes, the smell of the dish soap, the feel of the water on your hands.  

Contributes to Happiness

The act of cleaning can provide a sense of satisfaction.  Researchers have found that vigorous cleaning can boost endorphins and provide a release for negative emotions and that spending time cleaning and tidying up your home can lead to happiness.  

So if you’re looking to increase productivity, improve focus, practice mindfulness, or be happier, get out your cleaning supplies and embrace spring cleaning! 

K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Whitley Lassen, PsyD

Whitley Lassen, PsyD, MBA is a licensed clinical psychologist with 15+ years of experience providing therapy to clients using evidence-based interventions, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Dr. Lassen also has extensive experience in behavioral health leadership and received an MBA from the University of Cincinnati Carl H. Lindner College of Business, with a concentration in healthcare administration.